Saturday, March 14, 2009

Lets Read Scripture....

Hello everyone .........God bless you ...

Hello each and everyone of you...I pray Gods Annointing In & Upon Your Life...

Today we will be reading Scripture with the help of the Holy Spirit to give you Wisdom and Knowledge in all you read...remember from previous post I taught how to use a to meditate on each scripture and last of all dont forget the messages from God that are available to you and your life..if you would like to share what these passages mean to you...please comment at the end of the page...I will be explaining the meaning of some these scriptures in the next posting...I hope you will have some input or questions after you have read these scriptures...

Job... 12:13/34:21

Psalm... 18:46/27/23/32:8/33:4/33:20,21/37:11/37:18/37:39,40/68:6/73:24,28/

Romans... 1:17/1:20/2:7/3:24,26/5:1-6/6:5/8:1-39/10:17/12:12,19/14:17/15:13/

1) Corinthains...2:9/2:10/3:11/7:22/8:6/10:13/15:57,58/

2) Corinthians...2:14/3:3/3:6/3:16-18/4:6,7/4:12-18/5:6-8/6:1-10/9:6-8/

Ok I pray everyone will set aside the time for their Spiritual Journey and this includes the Reading of Gods Divine Word....

These Scriptures...contain messages of wisdom, knowledge, patience, guidance, leadership, love, faith, vision, purpose, healing, self, salvation....

I hope you are writing in your journals what the Scriptures are revealing to you ..for later down the road you will go back to the scriptures you have highlighted and wrote down for further Love and Wisdom from the Almighty God of the Universe.

Well I bless your continued journey here on Gods the Real Things Blog...

Dear Lord pour out Your Holy Spirit upon all who are seeking and searching You out in the Bible today...give them all they require to understand the scripture and how it relates to their lives and the world around them..(remember you may get scripture for others and you will know who they are for, after realizing the annointing of the Holy Spirit upon you) Lord I leave all in Your Hands and May Your Glory of the Scriptures Show upon their lives....
In Jesus name I pray..amen and amen

Have a wonderful blessed day.....
Jesus Christ in the Truth, the Way, the Light(Gods Glory on You)

In Jesus Love Your Sister in Christ Betty-Jean...

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Being Justified By Faith...

Hello everyone God bless you...

I must apologize that I have not been blogging the last couple of weeks I guess you could say I was being Justified by old computer that I was given over five years ago finally bombed out and I was left with nothing...wooo what an experience that turned out to be...because I am on a limited budget I was not sure what I was going to do to get another friend..whom I love dearly tried all he could to get the computer up and running again...but to no what was I going to do without a computer....sharing the word of God is one of the most important things in my life and of course there were other sites like wondercafe that I really enjoying sharing on ......I had come to the end of a light in sight, I ask myself many times the same questions when I ran into trouble and could not find the answer to the problems I was facing of course being an intercessor I could do nothing more then pray...but I had doubts and my Faith seem little next to nothing as I pray for a new computer ...little did I know that there were things to come that I realized were the work of God and even having the Faith of a Tiny Mustard Seed was all it took to get back on track for God loves me but I didn't know at the time how He would ever help me get back to what I though was what I be on the computer ....

But I also had a problem I didn't know really existed...I was addicted to the computer ....I spent hours on the computer searching out Gods word...His Ways, His Love, His Wonder and though I was doing really well...I posted on wondercafe , I was posting here and everything seemed to be going great...but I didn't know what God knew about me ...I am so happy and grateful He knows my of course the first thing I ask was , why God ...I am spreading Your Word, I am spending time searching and seeking you...why did this have to happen now just when I was getting started here on my blog...I didn't feel good at that point but I wasn't mad at God , just disappointed that this could happen when I thought I was doing so well..

The first couple of days were not to bad and as I complained to God , now what am I going to do not being able to work on line a very firm voice He said the bible ...I said read the bible ...I am in the word all the time...I said ok I guess with all this free time I might as well do something (again in a disappointed manner).. even after complaining I did not read the bible ...I let it go for another day or two and passed my time spring cleaning , anything to keep my mind off the computer ...I thought I had had my emotions and mind under control as I seek out to be the best each day I can be and always learning and growing in God that I thought my self control "was" under control...but it sure was not .....I was angry...I tried my hardest to keep this anger in check and I did ok.....except once I threw a few remarks my husbands way ...asking him how he would feel if he lost his tv...well that did not go off so well lol..and I ended up going to bed anger....after spending some quiet time talking to God I realized that the anger I had put towards my husband was over the computer...I apologized and ask him to forgive me and he told me he understood how I was feeling and although I don't know for sure I think his prayers got added to mine to make things happen quicker lol lol...I am blessed to have such a wonderful husband...thankyou Lord ....

After this outbreak I did listen to God and got right back into the word and the messages He gave me and by the help of the Holy Spirit I started to analyze the lack of control I had in my life , due to the breakdown of the computer...each day for two weeks I worked at having more patience, I wrote more bible studies in my journals...but most important of all I spent more quiet time with God...just being in His Presence...reading the scriptures...I learned that although I was working for God and doing what I thought was best was not really best at all for I was addicted to a material of things God has taught me over the years.. and that He would ...if I was Justified by Faith provide for me and give me all that He thought I needed...not what I thought I needed....

After finally coming to terms about my addiction ....things started to fall into place ...a person whom I loved dearly gave me the older computer that her son had been using...and this one is such an upgrade to what I used to have , I went from a computer tower , with a tiny little monitor to a 17" monitor, with updated windows and wow I even have a the wonderful grace of God ...He provided for me ...but not for two weeks until He knew my addiction for the computer was under control...I dealt with anger, lack of patients, frustration, anxiety, envy, jealousy for others who could afford to just go out and buy another computer to being upset with the guy who couldn't fix the old one...I was not a very nice person inside...Praise the Lord for helping me to realize that I needed a bit of an overhaul on my body, mind and soul and that even though we think we have things in order , they may not always be as they seem...

These are the things that make me Love My Lord so much...even when I had no faith...God was working inside of me ...helping me to grow and become a better person turning me from being a ego being to a God Being....amen and amen....

I truly had to learn to Be Justified By Faith...which is not always an easy choice..but God knows the wonderful people we are inside and works good for those of us who love Him....I am so every grateful to be a Child of the Most High God....I hope sharing my story will perhaps help you to discover if all things are under control...or do they just seem that way sometimes.....

As always I thank the Lord for answered prayers and for the truth even though it can be hard to face sometimes....It is an Awesome God We Worship and Praise for He does deserve all the Glory...amen and amen..

Praise Jesus Christ , He is the Light, the Way, the Truth...

Your Sister in Christ Betty-Jean...