Thursday, December 20, 2012

Christ Speaks....


A Blessed Message...for all who hear..

Betty this should tell you , that you are very close to the Things of the Spirit, otherwise I could not hold the links complete and intact, while you attend my instructions.  Fear Not My Child that which has been given so willingly during the years, that Shall Tell, That Shall Tell..Praise the Lord God awesome is this...amen..

You are Conscious of the Precious gift within Your Reach, You are a Custodian of that which cannot die, tomorrow, and in the tomorrows to come, so by Your Dedication , by taking up The Cross with as much willingness as You can Muster , you are making certain that the Precious Jewel within,  in time, will be freed from its many coverings and in Its Glory , shall not only bare some resemblance to God and His Holiness, but indeed , out of Its Luster , out of Its Light, out of Its Power , create in darkened places a Beauty that the Bonded Ones will see and strive to make their own...Praise the Lord...thank You Lord..amen...

I am too Prepare as many as possible give them hope for the future , for they will Know the Truth and the Truth shall set them free... 

Praise Jesus, He is The Truth, The Light, The Life...
In Jesus Love Betty Jean...



Cannot you not see how wrongly man has been taught, there are those who say that a fortunate life upon the earth indicates advanced character, yet if you analyze those who have had an easy time so often you will find selfish and self centered .  You must be kept to the facts ,you are meant to use Your Reasoning Power, God has given it to you for  a Holy Purpose , so I want you to to analyse with Courage the lot of those who you love the most , the ones who's character you admire, those ones who's example you wish to follow , and in every case you will find those men and women have been sorely tried, but they have with stood the Fires of Adversity and have Emerged as Pure Cleansed Vessels ready for the Masters Use...Praise the Lord God ..Creator..Amen..

So them I speak to you who have had trouble or who are grappling with trouble now , what is the trouble, does it represent material loss, maybe certain things have to be removed from you to make room for the Spiritual Treasures that God Intends shall be Your Own, is it that your heart is broken because a loved one has gone on before you...

Think them of this, Seldom are Two Souls Equally Advanced in Character , and it is , wise for the one to go and one to stay , because this earth life is so short and Eternity lies ahead, Many man and woman when they have passed into the Light, have met their Loved Ones , have thanked God from the very depth of their being that the Separation was allowed so that there could be no cloud between so that they may Unite Ever More..Praise the Lord God ..amen.

Praise Jesus, He is the Life, The Light, The Truth..
In Jesus Love Betty Jean...


God Wisdom Corner...


May God keep that Giant in His Keeping and in due time give him the heart of a little child , for of such is the kingdom of Our Lord, and the Giant , sleeping, blind, deaf and restless, is the Humanity He Came To Save...Amen...Praise Jesus...

And in the future, not only shall the Gift of Wisdom come to you all, not only shall you see the reflection of the Glories of Life which is Life Indeed, the Loviness of those things that remain for ever, but out of Your Gift , out of Your Power, out of the release within, will have the capacity to take broken lives, weld them together, to take sore distressed bodies and bring them back to comfort and health...Amen..Praise the Lord God..

It is Gods Purpose that the Cross Be Turned into the Glory Of The Star and You Children of the Light, this is Your Mission although some of you as yet understand it not, You have a Mission to sorrowing of humanity--to those who feel the Cross of sorrow is to heavy to be borne :to those who have not the strength to raise their eyes from the earth and to see the Brightness of the Light Beyond...Praise the Lord God..amen..

Praise Jesus , He Is The Light, The Way , The Truth...
In Jesus Love Your Sister In Christ Betty Jean... 

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Christ Speaks....

Hello Everyone God bless You...

Love Seeketh Not Her Own....

It should be nothing to you that others seem to manifest God ..Be content to know God is in the mist and learn the secret of dwelling in the friendly darkness , that your roots may go down deep, for during the time of hiddenness a great works is going on in the Soul that seeks nourishment from True Self becomes strong... learn from the parable of the House built on sand, and let nothing hinder the deep works of the Soul, Know all is Well , though know results is seen, seek silence , love all men, bless all, thus do you make right conditions for growth...

Unknown to you there are outer conditions arranging themselves in harmony with the hidden works and your whole future depends upon The True Foundation  being cleared of false building matter , wrong thinking , and wrong action, self-aggrandizement , not true material, there is No Foundation Then The Christ Of God , the True Self...You are just where you are in order to do this work , Spirit is Only True Substance and lessons will teach you how to build ..God cannot Fail, If You Are Alive In Christ Within and dead to all else...Praise The Lord God...awesome .

Praise Jesus, He is the Way, the Light ,  the Truth..
In Your Love Jesus, Your Sister In Christ Betty Jean.
Christ Speaks.....

Hello everyone, God bless you....

A New Era is Beginning.  Those who have Worked for it May be if They Feel some Sense of Reverent Satisfaction as they see the Truth for which They Labored and Testified Giving Wider Attention from the World.  It is not an Occasion for Self-Assertion, For Every Man/Woman who has Been Honored by Being allowed to Work is such a Cause is Well Aware that He/She is but an Agent in the Hands of the Unseen but Very Real , Wise and Dominating Forces , and yet One Would not be Human if one were not Relieved when One Sees Fresh Sources of Strength and realize the All Precious Ship is Held More Firmly Than Ever, Upon Her Course.

Remember Our First Lesson, You always Are and You Always Will Be, Try to Realize this Now.  Rest from Your Anxieties and Live in the Eternal.  The Blessings of God Is With You Always and Forever.  There is Nothing In Life, You Need to Fear, You Will become sure that You are Safe at all Times In Every Place.  The Realization will Reveal to You How much You Have Understood of Truth of Being, Nothing Can Affect Your Real Individuality, Enter Into Your Own Now..Let this Spiritual Highest, You Take Possession...Amen... 

Praise Jesus, He is the Way , the Light , The Truth,
In Jesus Love Your Sister In Christ Betty Jean..

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Christ Speaks...


Hello Everyone God bless You...

My Honored are You..How Many Blessings have Descended Upon You, how Great is Your Destiny, How Wonderfully Kind Has Been Our Father In Heaven..Oh Thou who hast given Us Life, and who Seeks to Comfort Our Hearts, to See Thee Our God, Our Christ , we come In Gratitude and we Ask Thee still further Draw Aside that which veils Things Spiritual and Allow Thy Children to Partake of that Which Thou Hast So Lovingly Prepared for Them...

I am too Prepare as many as Possible, Give them Hope for the Future, for They will Know the Truth and the Truth will Set Them Free..Father We Thank Thee for the Gift of Christ , for all He Has Taught us and Shown us we Thank Thee with Grateful Hearts, Amen...

Proverb...although my view point is different I understand how they can too , have their point of view...amen...

My Children the Acquirement of Experience must be done in Gods Way , if you Wish to Work for Him in the Bright and Glorious Here After..Yet only by going through personally , individually , in and Intimate Sense, those terrible tussles with temptation   can You Understand how the weaker ones fail to rise under attach....

Praise Jesus, He is the Life, the Truth, the Way ..
In Jesus Love Betty Jean...

Gods Wisdom Corner...


Hello Everyone God Bless You..

Humanity at large needs Healing most of all , the Healing of the Soul the re adjustment of thoughts , would there ever have been war, if the Christ Commandment to Love Our Neighbor as Ourselves were put into Practise, would there ever be disease if man followed Christ Law the Christ Way, You Know My Children , that this world , with its sorrow and woe, with it seeming injustice..this is Not Gods Work, it is the work of man through the abuse of the Wonderful Gift Of Free Will...

Can you see that Spirit Communion was meant for a Mighty Purpose, it was to revive the ancient power of Healing, it was to make possible that there should be no hungry or thirsty Souls, no men or women seeking for Spiritual Food and receive stones..Spirit Communion is Intended to Impress  upon the Mind of Man that there is a Living God Working Upon the Earth to Restore what had been shattered...Amen...


God has told me this blog book will be so sought after, the time will come when science will discover this Spiritual World and You know that Will Be God..amen... I am revealing the way we should go now...with my blog revealing the whole journey from Here To Eternity...this is real..the way is Real..Christ leads me, and shows me what to do ...Praise Jesus...amen...

Praise Jesus, He is the Life, The Truth, the Light
In Jesus Love Betty Jean...




Hello Everyone...God Bless You....

I want you to take a good view of your troubles and trials, I want you to realize that without that experience of strain, anxiety, of an aching heart, the earth life for you would be a total waste, you have come into the physical body in order to acquire experience.  How can you comfort the mourners if you have never mourned, how can you heal a broken heart if those pangs are foreign to you, how can you understand the weariness of the sick if your own body has always been full of vitality, it is also clear, so plain so Intensely Like the Love Of God, Nothing has gone wrong, nothing can go wrong if only you think of the Life Of Christ and Remember His Experience  of the Power they brought to a darkened world...  

I Am The Life, the Way, the Truth..This is all we need..

And the Truth Dear Children , Christ is the Truth and He Conquered Death, and He come too His Faithful Companions..amen...who were heartbroken by Their Loss, and He Showed Them, that Love is Stronger than Death...

Praise Jesus, Hi is the Way, the Life, the Truth
In Jesus Love Your Sister In Christ..Betty Jean..