Monday, November 12, 2012

God's Wisdom Corner.................

Relating to Dreams ...what dreams can Reveal to Us , To Help Us Grow...



  Hello everyone , in the next few postings we will be learning about the parts of the personality , these are what we are as we live out our time here on earth...these parts of our personality can go astray when we try to find our inner selves in God...God is the Person who has Put His Love and Purpose Upon Our thats where we start...knowing these parts of the personality I pray you will see yourself in a Better Light , In Christ Jesus..Amen...


When we are in the dream state we are observing what is going on , that part that observes is the Ego.  Because  it is  the most conscious aspect of us, we tend to be more aware in dreams of the conflicts it has with other aspects.

When the ego has become split off or separate from other parts of our personality , we do not experience the world correctly. We become selfish and un trusting, have difficulty in relating to others and some times our surroundings and often cannot accept anything except our own viewpoint.  When this process goes to far, other aspects "kick back" as it were, and try to redress the balance through dreams. 

 The ego is the part of us that assesses our external reality, but if we are not careful the need for an inner rightness --  and exaggerated need for fantasy --can overtake this reality... Developing Objective Self Criticism, Observation of our Fantasies and Patient, can Create Balance.

The Proper balance necessary between the Inner and the Outer, between Logic and Intuition, or Reason and Imagination means that ego must be brought under control, although it can never be given up all together 

It is Our Choice, We have Free Will...We must keep our Ego under the Power of God and He Will Lead Us the Right Way and Correct Us , when we Live in the Ego...Praise the Lord God for His Wisdom....Amen...

Praise Jesus , He is the Way, the Light, The Life..

In The Love Of Christ Betty Jean...