Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Gods Great Love...

Hello Everyone God Bless You..

The easiest way to facilitate Gods Great Love is to unconditionally accept,  without judgment, all that We experience , in Our lives and all that we feel surfacing Within ourselves moment by moment.  Simply speaking this is the Principal of Unconditional Love--the acceptance of all conditions, easier said then done? there are many tools to aid us in this process. Daily Prayer/Mediation and other techniques of clearing the emotional body on a regular basis can aid us tremendously.  We can remain trapped in fear dramatizing in our lives the mental-emotional monster within ourselves, and the "need to control" the world around us , or we surrender in Love by Choosing Unconditional 

Acceptance of all that We have been and of all that We currently experience no matter how dramatic it is.  Ultimately, Unconditional Love is a " moment-by moment "Choice".  Staying Centered , Grounded and Connected to the Earth is Essential to Harmoniously Inter-grate the Phenomenal influx of Cosmic Energy that is Catalyzing the Spiritual Awakening of Human Consciousness. By attuning ourselves to Earths Natural Cycles , We attune Ourselves to Our Durative, Everlasting Selves-to that which Transcends the surface turbulence of Our rapidly changing Lives.

continued next post.....

Praise Jesus , He is the Way, the Light, the Truth
In Jesus's Love Your Sister In Christ Betty Jean..