Saturday, April 4, 2009

Heaven Is Real....

Hello everyone .....God bless you....

Today we are going to explore Heaven, heaven is a real place , it is the Place where God dwells, where Jesus dwells, where the Holy Spirit originates from to come upon us and the Holy Spirit does reveal to us the reality of Heaven...

So many people wonder what happens to us when we so call die here on earth, myself I don't believe in death...I think it is just the continuing of the Journey from Earth to Heaven...the bible tells us that When we are Absent from the Body we are with the that is pretty easy to understand..I don't believe when we go into the Lord that He puts us asleep and just leaves it that way until the resurrection..I believe we do go to a physical/spiritual heaven...a heaven where our loved ones will be waiting for us , a heaven where our bodies will be Spiritual , like the Angels...a place of beauty ..not physical beauty like we have here , but a Spiritual beauty...

The bible tells us that Earth is just a shadow of awesome...when we look at the different parts of the earth and see such beauty , just imagine what heaven must be beyond what our minds can comprehend...Jesus sits at the Right Hand Side of God in Heaven...a place where He waits for His Children to take the steps necessary to meet Him there , as we live out our life here and when we pass over to be with God ...

I believe we wait in Heaven for the resurrection , until all of Gods Children have been called from the earth...I believe only God offers Eternal Life...Immortility..where we will be able to spend as much time as we want doing the things we love...Heaven boring I don't think so ...there will be so much to do will take eternity to do it ...

I do believe that if we do not get to know God here , then it will be the further behind we will be in of our jobs will be to teach the earth how to Live by Faith as we have done here on earth...a big job in itself..amen and amen...there will be different levels in God ...if anyone is a good person , God knows their hearts and His mercy and grace will provide for them..but if you haven't learned about God , His Love , His Wisdom, His Eternity, His Counsel, His Attributes, His Character....and think He is some kind of myth etc...I am not sure where it would go from there...this truth I do not know yet ...why take the chance we have free will..

I believe that Rapture is possible as many of Gods Children travelled to heaven and back...Enoch and Elijha were raptured to Heaven...where else would they be just a blank spot ..I do not believe that is so ...why would God put them into nothingness if He could use them here , just doesn't make any the end of Earth as we know it ...a Rapture will take place and when Christ returns the Second time the bible tells us He will bring with Him all of the Souls who have already passed over from earth back with Him...

I believe when the time has come to pass over to Heaven that Angels are sent to get our Spirit Soul and escort it to Heaven...there we will be reunited with Loved ones and in our Love and Joy we will spend all the time with the ones we love as long as we want...I do also believe that our animals who have passed over also will be there for they are Love and it is God who made the Law of Love ...also Gods says we will have our Hearts Desires...amen and amen to that what we loved here will be an important part of our Life in Heaven...

Our Treasures in Heaven...they are the Substance of what God is ...we cannot take any material things with us when we pass into will just be Love that we take with us ...all the Attributes of God we learn here will carry over with us ..who we love...what we have learned through life and experiences we have gone through.

The treasures of Heaven...God , Jesus, Holy Spirit,Our Loved Ones, Hope , Faith, Wisdom, Knowledge, Happiness, Healing, Purpose, Visions, Forgiveness, Mercy,Grace , Compassion, Dreams, Sharing, Caring, Tenderness...oh how the list could go on for so long...these are the treasures God talks about taking with us ...

I am not afraid any longer to think about Heaven...for God has taught me so much and all of His teachings have meanings for us here on earth and further when we reach heaven...Praise the Lord God for His Awesome Treasures..these are the Things Hoped for ...amen and amen...

So for those of us who spend our lives here just working, living life without any regard for God I would say take a look at your life...what are you going to take with you ...when you are ready to leave this world will be important who we love , who loves us and what difference did we make here...and we will have made a Difference as Children of God ...I hope my teaching to day on Heaven will give you more Faith in Your Journey as We Travel along together...and I might not meet you here and now I will meet you in Heaven as we will be Brothers and Sisters forever...Praise the Lord God ..Awesome God we Worship...

Listed are some scriptures for Heaven , but please take out your concordance and look up all that is listed on is awesome...amen and amen..

2 Kings 2:1/John 1:51/Ephesians 1:10/Eph. 2:6/Luke 2:13/Hebrew 8:1...

Praise the Lord...He is the Way, the Truth, the Light
In Jesus Love Your Sister in Christ Betty-Jean

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Overview .......

Hello everyone....God bless you ....

Well it seems spring is finally starting to happen, outside the robins are pulling worms from the ground and you can hear them singing when they are in the trees resting....summer will soon be here with warmer sunshine and blooming flowers...

Today we will be doing a overview of what the teachings have been since January....

We have learned so much and this would be a good time to go back and read from the very beginning it like you were reading a book, take your time and relax as you read and concentrate on what stands out for you now, from when you first read it , you will find that the word will stand out more and will also reveal more than it did when you first read it...this is because you have been obtaining the wisdom and knowledge that God has been revealing to you...yes it is hard to believe any words that involve the Love of God are magic, mystical, supernatural...when they get into your heart they seem to linger to accomplish what was in them....

We have done a lot in these teachings, we have learned how to read the Divine Word of God and how to apply it to our lives....this in turn has put the Word into our hearts....we have learned Prayer, Meditation, how to Worship and Praise God ..we have Built our Faith as we read, we have been subjected to Gods Beautiful Words and His Character which in turn makes us into that very Character...we have learned about The Father, the Son Jesus Christ , The Holy Spirit and what each one does as a combination of the Three...One God with each distinct Entity doing its individual part in helping us progress...

We have learned that The Father is the Creator of All Things and He is all Spirit..
His Son Jesus Christ is the channel by which we can access, feel and become like the Father as did His Son Jesus Christ...we have learn a the Holy Spirit is always working with us remembering scripture and helping us to become more wise, peaceful, happy, healed and is always faithful...and we have learned that the enemy has no power over us and that God does and will keep him out of Your Life if you but call upon Him ...

We have seen that we really can become Personal with God ..that the matrix, p0rtal is always open so we can call upon Him at any time in Our Lives...we have explored the Attributes of Our Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit and I pray you have used them in your life to change all the things that hold you back...through prayer we can ask anything in the name of Jesus and it will be given ..but not always in our time or the way we think lol..but they do get answered...

We have learned about Salvation and some important steps in working out our Salvation with the help of Christ and the Holy Spirit ...right here on earth...we have explore the Spiritual Realm becoming the Image of Christ Jesus ...and this in turn has helped us explore Spirituality a bit more ...there certainly will be more to seek and search out ....I hope you will continue on this Journey with Me, all You Travellers seeking out a better happier way of life...I look forward to what is to come and I am sure God will not disappoint us ...

I do pray that you got futher messages about yourselves as you went back and reread all that was posted....thankyou for Walking and Growing With Me...

My email address is available to all who visit and if you have questions or comments leave them at the bottom of the page or give me a write...I will answer either way...if you are on this Spiritual Journey I would love to hear from you how things are progressing....

Praise Jesus, He is the Truth, the Way, the Light
In Jesus Love Your Sister in Christ Betty-Jean...

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Lets Start by Renewing Our Minds......

Hello everyone .....God bless you...may Gods Glory Shine Upon Your Life..

Welcome we will be learning how to Renew our Minds in Christ is very important that we seek out Gods word each day...when we search Gods word the Holy Spirit will remember the scriptures we will need at a certain time or place..I am always surprised when scriptures seem to come out of now where when they suit the occasion...Praise the Holy Spirit ...for remembering these things...

So many people think that Salvation is a process over which they have no influence, they think it can only happen through Grace or some kind of miracle...yes Salvation does include God's Grace but because of the Law of Free Will no human can be saved against his/her own will...If you are to be saved(join with God) you must decide that you want to be saved...this fight begins with the renewal of your mind...we have a nature mind instead of a God Mind so we do not choose to be part of Gods Kingdom...the flesh/ego as we stated in earlier postings convinces us to not believe in we must start with the decision that we want Gods Law of Love and His Law of Free Will in Our own lives....the decision is upon Your own heart ....God is a gentleman ...He will never force anything upon Us....

Do you know what it means to be created in the Likeness of God.? takes a lot of courage to consider what this statement truly means...people have become carnal/flesh centered instead of God of the natural world and the other is the Spiritual World....although we were created in the Image of God most people are not presently expressing this Image using Gods Law of Free Will we work to be different then the Beings God Created...

One of the important aspects we must remember is that God is a Creator ...and this He has passed on through Himself to us so we may also be Creators...Creator is a huge word it spans time and and is always happening in and around our lives if we slow down and see the results...God is always Creating we know then that Creating is One of the Attributes of God which He has given us in making Us in His Image....

For us to be able to Create we must have two (2) qualities....

1.....We must have the ability to envision or imagine (imagination) what You can Create....we must be able to imagine this option....

2.....We must have the ability to choose what option (result ) we want to manifest..

Prayers and meditation towards God can reveal some of the options in our you want a strong marriage? do you want loving relationships?do we want healing?do we want financial blessings?do we want purpose and vision?..these are just some of the options we can make happen...again it is you who makes these options and follows through with imagination to make them manifest....each and every one of us has the Ability to Create the Outcome of Our Lives....By Faith that we have these Abilities and by Faith we can make a
difference in Our Lives...

When God Created Us in His Image He gave us His Own Qualities , He gave us Imagination, Free Will and after giving us these Attributes Of Christ , He sent us into a Particular Universe as an extension of Himself...The Christ Self....

Christ is an unlimited Cosmic Being, He resides in His Fathers Kingdom..God did not desire us to experience a life dominated by misery, limitations and suffering, God created and envisioned a Perfect Planet in which Souls could Grow in Understanding of their individuality and which they could express their Creative Abilities in a way that did not Limit Themselves or Harm Others....

Using our imaginations we can create or manifest evil in our lives, like the enemy tries to convince us all the time...evil like cursing our neighbours...spreading hatred that destroys love ...we all know these are a part of this world we live in but by Using Christ ability to Create we have Power over all of these things in our lives....Power Given to us by the Great Cosmic Creator not destroyer....

God said , let there be Light and there was Light...the first chapters of God are especially about Creation....we may not have the ability to create such wonders but Christ did say we would do greater things them Himself...Light is constantly flowing through our minds/consciousness and this light gives us the ability to create....Hold in your prayers and meditation images of a strong loving marriage and it will happen...change things in your life with the Power of Prayer and see the result that happen when you believe by Faith...that you believe you receive......the Scriptures tell us to believe in our prayers before they happen..could this mean before we Create the Results??

All other the Characteristics of Christ can become part of our Character ...
Many are available to us as we realize We Have the Ability to Create...Love, Wisdom, Knowledge, Forgiveness, Happiness, Healing, Security, Joy, Tenderness, Calmness, Comfort, Purpose, Visions, Dream, Grace, Mercy .....Gods Image is so Awesome.....

As the Bible Says In Scripture ....THINK ON THESE THINGS...can you find the Scripture in the Bible..??

for joining me today....I pray God Will Pour Out His Awesome Blessings Upon Your Lives...Lord I also ask You today to reveal to all who read today's teachings Your Wisdom and Knowledge and the Imagination to Apply the Word to Their Lives...I ask that you show them prayers and meditation work and that they also have the Ability to Create in Their Lives...In Jesus name I Pray ..amen & amen

Jesus Christ is the Truth, the Way, the Light...
In Jesus Love Your Sister in Christ..Betty-Jean...