Tuesday, March 23, 2010

You Can Change Domestic Violence..

Hello everyone God Bless You..

This concludes the postings on Domestic Violence, I could only touch on some of the subject of domestic violence, it covers so many different areas, whether it is sexual abuse, neglect, physical , emotional or  intellectual the damage of all of them can remain with a person for many , many years. No matter what the domestic violence covers the effects of one, leave just as much damage as all the others. Physical can leave the scars just as well as emotional or neglect. Each one of itself leaves much ruin in a Persons Individuality  Coming from a past of domestic violence it took years before I could face all the damage that it left upon my heart. Domestic Violence victims can become the perpetrators of domestic violence if therapy or help is not receive sometime in their lives.  Alcohol and Drugs  can also magnify the effects of  domestic violence. Some domestic violence has been passed down from one generation to the other and a lot of the sin in this world is cause due to this terrible evil , is all I can call it , on the person and all relationships they encounter in their lives.

My truth is the fact that if I had not found God I would still be affected by the life of domestic violence, I searched all my life for true peace but without Christ could not find the Comfort, Peace, Strength and Happiness I now have .  I will be Eternally Grateful to My Heavenly Father for Saving me from this horror that haunted my life, my dreams, my family, my peace and happiness.  Praise the Lord for I Once Was Lost But Now I Am Found. 

If You or someone You know is involved in Domestic Violence, please encourage them to Seek God, Seek Therapy , Seek Freedom for I am but the Proof that domestic violence can be defeated.
If You have read these postings and feel you just need someone to listen , my email is posted on my blog. I cannot change the situation, only You can do that , all I can do is to help you understand, what its content is and share my testimony of how I escaped Domestic Violence and perhaps help You find My Savior Christ who has free me from this bondage.  

In Christ I Live ...
In Christ I Love..
In Christ I Trust..
In Christ I Will Be All I Can Be...

Join Me in Freedom..
Your Sister In Christ Betty Jean...

Domestic Violence..

Hello Everyone God Bless You...

Love does not keep track of other peoples wrongs..

Awesome Walk it Takes in Christ to do this..

Domestic Violence seems to thrive on this one, keeping track of our partners wrongs, is very unforgiving and hurtful to the other partner. The past the past the naughty past, there is nothing more fearful then hearing things that have been done in the past, this usually has a lot to do with past hurts, rejections, arguments, mistakes etc. We all make mistakes and when we do I believe we should learn from them, forgive all involved and move on. But it really is not that easy and many, many arguments between partners is over the wrongs done to each other.  Conversations and disagreements can start on a normal subject but quickly change to the wrongs we have done to each other, bringing to mind all the hurtful situations that have happened in the past rehashing and reliving  it as it was at the time. Many marriage/partnerships have been dissolved because the past did not remain in the past and forgiveness for the situation was just a, at the time occurrence. If full forgiveness was not done at the time of wrong it will come up in mostly all future situations. Nothing can stir up anger , frustration more then remembering all the wrongs ...

Do You have Unforgiveness in Your heart for the situation/mistakes etc that Your partner made. 
When serious discussion are being talked about, do you go back and rehash the past wrongs.
Do You say You have forgiven the partner but it still frustrates and continues to play upon you.
Do You say to Your partner that the wrongs are not forgiven when at the time, you said they were.
Do You say the past wrongs are just examples of the real person Your partner is .
Do You use the wrongs to dominate and win the argument with your partner .
Do You use the wrongs to change the real subject you dont want to discuss.

Christ Walked in Forgiveness, when ask about forgiving seven times, the Lord said forgive not seven but seventy time seven, this telling us just how important forgiveness is. We cannot change our past and this haunts many, many marriage/partnerships and can bring them to ruin. It takes a lot of practice and discipline to carry forgiveness in our hearts and to keep forgiving others for the wrongs they have committed. I have forgiven people many times for the wrongs they have done against me, this is not easy and I do not believe we can really truly forgive without the help of Our Heavenly Father. It helps to forgive if you keep the scriptures that Christ taught in our minds, and when un forgiveness sneaks in and tries to upset or blame others for wrongs, our Spirit will remember them and bring them to mind.  We all make mistakes , we all have things in our pasts that hurt us deeply and it is important that we not only forgive others, but to also forgive ourselves for the wrongs we have done to others. We are not alone in having wrongs done to us or done by us to others and I do not believe there is one person on this world that has not had to deal with the past.
Make forgiveness your top priority and walk the talk, if you said you forgive, make sure with practice and discipline that you have. When you truly have forgiven it will not come back to haunt you when you least expect it to.

Praise Jesus , He is the Way, the Truth, the Light
In Jesus Love Your Sister In Christ Betty Jean.

Domestic Violence..

Hello Everyone God Bless You..

Love does Not brag...

In domestic violence situation the abusing partner will often brag or boast to make the other person feel less important as a way to control the actions, social activities , job, hobbies etc. this makes the person feel that the provisions and contributions in the marriage/partnership are not as important as the other what the other partner provides.

Do You say, I am the one who make the most and important money in this marriage/partnership.
Do You say, if it wasnt for my contribution we would not have what we do.
Do You say, if it wasnt for me we wouldnt be going on vacation, driving a new car.
Do You say the children depend on me because You are always to busy to be with them.
Do You say I am always dressed nice but you always seem to look sloppy.
Do You tell them if it wasnt for You they would have nothing..
Do You Brag to feel self important and more the dominate partner in the marriage/partnership.

Christ Way of Walking is to once again edify the partner to the importance of their contribution to the relationship no matter how small or insignificant it may seem, I see this happen in my house with mothers/fathers who choose to stay home and raise the children, the other  partner can trivialize the importance of such a task. Of all the jobs on the this Earth God made it one of the most important in His teachings, God So Loved the World He Gave His " Only Begotton Son."  Family is top priority for God and this scriptures shows just this. Although it is important to have financial security in a marriage/partnership money is not of the most valuable, teachings of love, values, loyalty, patients, kindness , forgiveness, etc, are what makes the Individuality of the family unit. This is Gods way enjoying what we have rather then boasting of what and how we got it..

Praise Jesus, He is the Truth, the Light ,the Way
In Jesus Love Your Sister In Christ Betty Jean..


Domestic Violence..

Hello Everyone..God Bless You...

Love Does Not Want What Belongs To Others..
Do You Act In Gods Wonderful Character..

Domestic Violence is never happy with what it has, it goes into the world and looks for more then what it has, but finds that others will not tolerate what they want so it is then taken back into the home where it is usually hidden from others. A partner of domestic violence is always being compared to someone or something else and this in turn is put upon the partner as something they are not providing or doing in the marriage/relationship, never being good enough, never doing all they can to contribute to the marriage/partnership..usually it is the abused partner that does most of the common things that have to be done in this partnership..they get overworked from trying harder then the mind and body allows, tiring quickly and become weary and fatigued on a regular bases, they feel that there is not enough time required to do all that needs to be done which adds to their frustration. Being compared to other , father, mothers, sons, daughters etc reminds them that they are not putting all effort into the partnership which is the portrayal of the abusing partner.

Do You say I wish You would dress better then John or Jane ..they look so good all the time..
Do You say if You worked harder or had a better job we could afford more then what we have.
Do You become jealous or envious of others of what they have and share with others.
Do You tell Your Partner that You wish they were more like so and so.
Do you tell them that they are bad mothers,father, sons,daughter compared to their friends.
Do You expect them to do things the way others do and in the same time frames and fashion.
Do You insult their minds and bodies and make them feel they should and could be better.
Do You tell them staying home taking care of the family is not difficult and they should find other work to help out in money situations.

Being compared to others is a very hurtful situation and the abused partner will withdraw from the people, place and things they are being compared to, leaving them alone within themselves and takes away friendships and means that they could use to help them in their lives..most domestic abused partners will withdraw from family and friends because they feel they are not good enough to be with others to whom they are compared..

Walk with Christ..be happy with what You have, it is not gold or silver that will sustain Your Soul, but Good Sound Security in what You have..Blessings are not in material things or the way we look or the way others choose to live their lives..Walking in Christ is being an Individual who can make their own choices of what they are and what they want to be and do with their life. Being confident in knowing that they are doing the best they can as mothers, fathers, family and friends and that they are confident in the security they have in all things around them..being happy with what they have. No one else knows what goes on behind closed doors of neighbors and friends that we can compare each other too, always believe and be secure in what you are doing regardless of what others may think or say, count Your Blessings that is where Security in Oneself is At.

Praise Jesus, He is the Truth, the Way, the Light
In Jesus Love Your Sister In Christ Betty Jean..


Evil...Domestic Violence

Hello Everyone...God Bless You...

Love Is Kind...warm, tender, loving, giving unselfishly,edification...
Are You This Wonderful Character of God...

Domestic Violence is never Kind..although it may say kind things it is never backed up in loyalty , trust or dependence...what is usually promised to the partner of domestic violence is usually not delivered..although at the time the person afflicting it may really believe that themselves, but when the time comes the partners, feelings, aspirations are usually forgotten..

The domestic violent person actually feels sorry at the time of certain incidents they do not hold that sorrow for long..as you see in situations where after abusing the partner, grave sorrow is announced by the person to the partner.. example..it will never happen again, profess their life, their fears of life without the partner..their total devoted love for that part, what that person thinks is Love and Kindness is the way the violent partner moves on from the situation without dealing with their own feelings..

Do you profess Your Love one hour and the next yell because something you considered important is not done...
Do you say , Yes I understand to Your partner when You really dont feel its that important.
Do You make plans and cancel for others things that you would like to do which seem more of a priority.
Do You say unkind words about your partner to others and blame them for all the problems,trial and disappointments in the relationship.
Do You say You will stand by them, only to not be available when they really need you ,while you do things You feel are more important.
Are you rude or call the person stupid, winy, or trivialize what they do or say.
Are You actually thinking of other things when Your partner is involved in conversation with you.

As You see domestic violence covers a wide range of emotions, and the partner who is subjected to these can become , withdrawn, not feel like an individual , depressed and can shut down all feelings and copes by depending  on the domestic violent partner instead of there own individuality..

Walking the Way of Christ is to Walk in Kindness, again Edification is the right direction to take with your partner , tell them of Your Love often, remember to stop before anger sets in, and walk away...I always try my best with this motto...If You Don't Have Something Good To Say Don't Say Anything...Stay Silent...build on the wonderful attributes Your partner has..tell them You are Honoured with their dedication to the marriage/partnership, that you respect their ideas and morals, that you appreciate how hard they work, a career, being a wife, a mother, a sister, a brother, a son, a daughter..a father, a friend.
In All Things Edify Your Partner and Make All the Good Things Stand Out to Each Other.

Praise Jesus, He is the Light, the Way, the Truth..
In Jesus Love Your Sister In Christ Betty Jean..


Evil....Domestic Violence...

Hello Everyone...God Bless You....

Domestic Violence comes in many different ranges and disguises, You may not even realize what is happening as domestic violence never lets a person stop or see the good side of life...there is always more problems , more trials, more suffering, more abuse, more unforgiveness , domestic violence is always violence covered up by reasoning's of this is not happening...with some serious sit down alone time we need to take a good look at what we are doing and not rationalize that what is happening is not that bad or "not happening at all....

Here is list of how domestic violence rears its Ugly Head..take Your time reading these and if you even have one of them...it is still domestic violence wither you want to admit it or not...

Domestic Violence is a Way of Control over Your Partner no matter what shape it takes...

1.....Love is Patience... sustaining trouble, persevering 
       , quality of endurance,
       ..Are You this Wonderful Character of God...

       If you are not walking in Patience,
       you cannot be walking in love...
       Do You tear down Your Partner with Ugly Words,
       Swearing, Screaming, Insulting , Out of Control Anger ?
       Do You spend most of the time , all about You not
       taking consideration for Your Partner?
       Are You impatience , wanting things done right now,
       with no regard for Your Partners concern?
       Do You interrupt Your Partner because You feel what they have
       to say is not Important to you?
       Do You share Your Feelings and Your Life but
       have no concern for theirs?
       Do You have Impatience with their friends, family, 
       hobbies, jobs, feelings and emotions?
       Do You say we will talk about this later and never find that time?
       Do all the things You do together the things you
       would like and not theirs?
       Do You Dominate Conversations and leave
       Your Partner without a Say?

This list are just some of the components of Domestic Abuse when it comes to being Patience with Your Partner...make the time to sit down over a tea/coffee without distractions, activate Your ears when Your Partner is talking to You and even if it is boring, be Patience and Listen to Their Words.
Talk about the hard things of partnership but don't leave the conversation there, profess Your Love, Your Respect for Your Partner when the conversation is over..use Edification,  tell them that You are sorry for all the things that have happened in the past and with Faith, Hope and Trust, reassure them that no matter what the problems are , that as Partners  the two of You  will work things out for the best in all trials and troubles that shall come...show them they can Trust...
Practise Patience.....Your Relationship Will Be Rewarded In A Changing Loving Way....

Praise Jesus , He is the Light, the Way, the Truth..
In Jesus Love Your Sister In Christ Betty Jean.. 

Gods Idea Of Marriage...

Hello Everyone...God Bless You....

The Bible tells us that we are to Love our Partners as Christ Loves the Church...well that sure is a big act to follow....but is it really...when we walk down the isle with Hopes, Inspirations, Dreams and Visions of Happily Ever after , it doesnt always turn out that way...lately right in my own House (all those I Love in my life) I have seen how marriages started out with High Hopes but as time passes the honeymoon period ends and real life sets in with its demands, financial problems, children who don't act as we dreamed they would..so we seem to let the problems of life dictate how we treat each other...Yes this is a difficult world to conquer but it can be done , but not without the help of Our Heavenly Father and the Principals that He has set down for us , in His Book of Life...

When we have Accepted the Gift of Salvation from our Heavenly Father, we must , with all of our might fall into the Principals He has set out for us..if we don't , our lives will not change and our struggles, fears and trials turn us into people who we are ashamed of and who act out of shame and disgrace rather than the Fruits of the  Spirit + God has sent to help us Renew Our Souls, Minds, Bodies and Way of Life..Does God stop us from going through these things, no but doing things His Way makes the daily grind and misery that can happen in our lives...so much more easier using  the Example of His Love...We Can Walk In Gods Love Daily and Be , Love, Peace, Forgiveness, Patience, Healed, Have Compassion, Self Control, Use Edification, Generosity, Kindness, Tenderness, Long-suffering, Endurance, Faith, Joy and Happiness..these are the things that make Love and Life Work... 

I am going to speak frank and ask are you mistreating Your Partner ? the Love of Your Life, are You letting the hardships of Life control You that your partner/mate lives in the fear, neglect, abuse, anger, helplessness, loneliness, shame, withdrawal...are you doing this and not realizing the damage it is doing...sooner or later that partner will leave you, there is no other way for them to survive, then getting out of the situation and trust me they will go, it is just a matter of time...I have shared testimony with you on this blog of how abuse in relationships can and will change the situation , for the person being abused, yes abused, that is what it is..there is no other word for it ...""Now is the Time, Today is the Time, To Stop the Anguish and Hurt You are Putting Upon Your Partner...

Are You Angry....then call Upon the Spirit of God who will ( with Your Discipline and Practice ) give you back the Love You and Your Partner shared in the Youth of Your Partnership..Make Up Your Mind today !, too take the angry , face the fear of that anger with Gods help, get things of the past out of the darkness where they lay in wait to take your happiness , peace and all that You Love, only You can change Yourself...no one can do this for You...it must be You..and You alone that makes these changes...if you as a partner are in the situation and feeling neglected, abused, unloved dont keep it to yourself, talk to your partner if it can be done safely, if that is not so, find someone whom you trust and talk with them...call the church and set up an appointment with the church clergy to get this off of your heart, out of the darkness and into the Light..talk to Your Doctors, there are many Organizations out there to help get back your Individuality and Your life...

In the next posting we will cover all of the aspects of domestic violence.. "Stop", "Convict Yourself to see if you are affecting your partner/mate with this evil negative ruination of good brothers and sisters of Gods Love"....then take the, Yes, difficult steps of getting back the Ones You Love...

"IN GOD ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE THINK ON THESE THINGS...Praise the Lord...He Will Show You The Way  And Provide All You Require To Turn Your Life Around...and Take You From darkness to the Light....

Praise Jesus, He is the Way, the Light, the Truth...
In Jesus Love Your Sister in Christ Betty Jean...