Saturday, October 30, 2010

Wisdom Corner...

Hello Everyone..God Bless You...

Gods Word Is Always Full Of Wisdom..

Give me a new Idea ", I said,
While musing on a sleepless bed,
"A new idea that"ll bring to earth,
A balm for souls of priceless worth,
That will give men thoughts of things above,
And teach them how to serve and love,
That'll banish every selfish thought,
And rid men of the sins they've fought...

The new thought came, just how , I'll tell,
Twas when on bended knee I fell,
And sought from HIM who knows full well,
The way our sorrow to expel.
SEE GOD IN ALL THINGS, great and small,
And give HIM praise what'er befall,
In life or death, in pain or woe, 
See God, and overcome the foe..

I saw Him in the morning light, 
He made the day shine clear and bright;
I saw Him in the noontide hour, 
And gain from Him refreshing shower, 
At eventide, when worn and sad,
He gave me help, and made me glad,
At midnight, when on tossing bed ,
My weary soul to sleep He led..

I saw Him when great losses came, 
And found He loved me just the same,
When heavy loads I had to bear,
I found He lightened every care, 
By sickness, sorrow, sore distress,
He calmed my mind and gave me rest,
HE's filled my heart with gladsome praise
Since I gave Him the upward gaze...

' Twas new to me, yet old to some, 
This thought that to me has become,
A revelation of the way,
We all should live throughout the day;
For as each day unfolds its light,
We walk by Faith and not by sight,
Life will, indeed , a blessing bring,
If We See God In Everything...

Praise the Lord for His Wisdom...Bless the author greatly Heavenly Father...

Praise Jesus , He is the Way, the Truth, the Light..
In Jesus Love Your Sister In Christ Betty Jean..

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Christ Talks..

Hello everyone God Bless You..

I remember a lot of things from my dreams, thats because I have ask Christ for them....I ask Him to make me Peaceful, Calm, Quiet, Love, Wisdom, Knowledge...when He gives these to You , you will know it by Faith Take Them....and I ask Him to Reveal His word through me to the world...and He does..His Glory ...

I am sharing just a couple of things from the dream and share what they represent of what God has shown me...+++..a ring, on my finger ...and the number ...

The ring I was wearing was a gold band, wedding band, along the top of the ring, set small emeralds, a gold chain joined and surrounded the gold band from the back of the band..about four rows..

In a dream jewelery usually indicates that .."We Have"..We Can Have...something valuable in our lives, being given jewelery suggest , someone else  values us, those qualities we have learned to value in ourselves through hard experience are those we display easiest to other people.

jewelery represents ..Honour, and Self-Respect without the usual vanity...
emeralds highlights Personal Growth..
the circle of the ring, represents the Inner Being or the Self..marriage...are you seeing these in your lol...Awesome God We Praise....

#21.... or personal relationships need careful handling...dreams are real...see if this applies anywhere in your life and pray on it , ask God to change it ...whatever you ask He Gives..just never in the way we lol..

2...duality, indecision, balance, male and female , two sides to an argument , opposite.. will accomplish outstanding skill in the work you do....

1... represents oneself, the beginning, the first , unity....

Dreams can really show things in your own life, but not without God..this is where God teaches Us Our Imagination...and how to use it ....I have learned so much from these words of my dream, and there was a lot more which I could of shared..but I hope you will take the time to ask God to use your dreams to Reveal Himself... 

He Revealed So Much To Me..
Praise Christ, He is the Way, the Light, the Truth..

Yours in Christ Sister Betty Jean...



Christ Talks..

Hello everyone..God Bless You.....


Hi all, we all look and say where is God, I don't feel Him, I don't see Him...Our Heavenly Father Is Surely In Our Lives..we just need to see where...I share with God in so many different ways, nature, it can tell you lots...I talk with God, I see God answer Prayers...I don't believe we can have a relationship with God without Faith...but it takes more then just faith, it takes trust, imagination....

One of the ways God talks to me is in my since God had me set up this blog and shares His Being with not only me now , but all who read His word here in godstherealthing ..the Spirit has led me to share a part of my dream...Awesome Heavenly Father We Worship...amen..

I suppose Joseph must of started I have the Faith in God to Know He Reveals His Word to me in my Dreams..there will Surely Be Messages for Each Person Who Reads Them...let the Word Reveal to You...take it into thinking and see if it applies to You..?

O Thou of little faith
God hath not failed thee yet,
When all looks dark and gloomy,
Thou dost so soon forget.

Forget that He has led thee,
And gently cleared the way,
On clouds has poured His sunshine ,
And turned thy night to day..

And if He's helped thee hitherto,
He will not fail thee now , 
How it must wound His loving heart ,
To see thy anxious brow, 

Oh! doubt not any longer,
To Him Commit Thy Way,
Whom in the past Thou Trusted,
And is "just the same today...

amen and amen..bless the writer of that one...Praise the Lord...
next posting my dream..

Praise Jesus, He is the Way, the Light , the Truth
In The Love Of Christ Betty Jean...