Thursday, May 27, 2010

Our Great Love

Hello Everyone , God Bless You...

How are all my readers doing, thankyou for reading my blog, God Bless You...and He Will...

Well it is time Brothers and Sister to make sure Your with God..I believe my postings assisted you in the Love of God..but it is up to You as readers to Discern what you should believe in your heart..this is but my journey and each of You are also on Your Spiritual Journey....this is what God has taught me as Truth...

I AM Supreme, Everlasting, Love, Peace, Healing, Kindness, Correction, Power, can our minds comprehend this Awesome Almighty God...this is the God we talk to , respond to, trust in , love, pray to...and every  tiny piece of DNA in my body knows this...for we are  Made in His Image, all He has He Gives To Us... open your imagination, to Awesome He Is..this is the God I Praise..when We Live by His Principles of Love , it spreads to others, but no one every tells us this..if only we could read each others minds...this is why I try my hardest each day  "One Day At A Time" to clean my mind...I take out anger, sickness, unforgivening, swearing ...I am sure ya get my point lol lol...replace it with prayer, praise , worship . adoration for He Is Mighty..

This Universe blows me away, when we only touch the a tip of things within our solar system..this is the God I Admire..He keeps all those things in-tacked..amen and amen...what is man , that God is mindful of  Him...Its Called Love..

I pray that you open your heart to the Truth of God ..your life will change, but we must work at it and it is not easy , we will suffer with sickness, trials , hurdles..but it is awesome how God brings you through it , never what you expect...Praise the Lord..

Set Your Heart on God Mode and start with searching Him Out, what ever way , You get to know we are all individuals..with free will...But when we realize the Kingdom of God is Inside of us , when we realize that Truth, it changes the Soul, Mind, Body, Spirit..amen and amen...

If doubt keeps sneaking in just train your mind to say Delete, Delete, Delete and as many times it comes back dont give up..the mind must be train to get rid of the negative...when my Doubts of Gods Existence comes to my mind, I say this is too big for me God , restore my strength, give me the Wisdom , give me the blessings, give me the healing, give me the courage to change..and God please take this Doubt of You and make it Obediant to You..amen and amen..once my mind gets rid of the Doubt , all else falls into place..its our job as Sons and Daughters to Just Have FAITH....we are Justified By Faith...

Ya know my  mom , whom is with Christ now , used to say all time, Betty Jean, nobody Listens""
Well with the internet we can now read and when you start searching God out it is endless..
If Your halfway and cannot decide now is the time...God Loves Us All, He gave us this beautiful world ..sometimes when I look around my heart is so sad..we cannot do anything physically but We Can Pray, Lets Get Doing It , Lets Pray and Hear God, one of the most important things, we have to listen for Him, kinda hard to explain ...God is so full of surprises....Hard to Believe He Could Exist, But My Truth Is, I Love My Lord God And He Loves Me....Awesome...It is in the Silence We Find Him , when our minds are still and our lives peaceful and healed..Love Opens God To Us...

Lets Praise the Lord for Doing All Things For Us..all for the asking...

If your not sure of your journey, go back to the beginning of my postings , and " without doubt " Find Our Heavenly Father, Our Savior Son, Our Spirit to keep us in Love..and thankyou Angels for doing Gods Will...

Check out the Fruits of the Spirit , they are Awesome, dont only read them Get Gods Wisdom and Wear  them , the Best You Can..thats all I can even think of doing the best I can be anywhere in any situation as I journey through this world, love every moment with whom ever you are with ..where you go ...


Praise Jesus for He is the Truth, the Way, the Light
In Jesus Love Your Sister In Christ Betty Jean..

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

God's Great Love..cont ......

Hello everyone God Bless You...

When we are not willing to experience, we feel physical pain (which some say are emotions) , when we suppress pain (or any other emotion) in any variety of ways , we push ourselves down-scale vibrationally, down the emotion scale (from enthusiasm, into pain, anger, fear, grief, apathy, unconsciousness, degenerate death).  When we are willing to embrace emotion in unconditional acceptance, we move up the emotional scale (unconsciousness, apathy, grief, fear, anger, pain to enthusiasm.

Once we learn the process of unconditional Self-Love, we can live moment-by-moment thus integrating experience from a place of Personal Empowerment rather than continuing to build a psychic battery of suppressed trama..Many people have been taught to suppress emotions or to project it outward (in blame) on others or on life's experiences rather than to embrace it and own it as their own, once the body learns the reverse process, the way to move through the healing crises properly , it becomes a natural way of life.

We need to unconditionally embrace our experience, breath it , integrate it , digest it and re-express our creative wisdom gained from our integrated experience from a place of Inner Peace, Stillness and Love, this step into the now is our opportunity .  It is to take responsibility for our Evolutionary Un-foldment, our Spiritual Awakening, the Return of Christ Consciousness, Soul Level Awareness or what ever we wish to call it ...

Following the Path of "Christ Jesus" is the way to change Your life around to be Loved, Happy, Peaceful, Kind, Forgiving, Joyful and most of all Healed from a negative way of is up to each one of us to change our own lives and wake up to the reality of Great Happiness..Lets make up our minds today to choose the Path of Soul Healing and Progress...

Praise Jesus , He is the Way, the Truth, the Light...
In Jesus Love Your Sister In Christ Betty Jean..