Monday, April 20, 2009

Prayer is the Key...

Hello everyone God bless you...

Today we are going to talk about prayer praying is not as difficult as you would think...when we pray to God it is like talking to a friend..and what we cannot say in words the Holy Spirit will change , so Our Father in heaven will know by our hearts, just what we pray...

Prayer is talking to God ...we learned that we get all things from God as we renew our minds to become the Mind of Christ...when reading the new testament we see Jesus prayed quite often to His Father ...He would slip away by Himself and talk to God ...I am sure He had lots of things to ask Our Father ...especially for those days most of the travelling was done by walking..did Jesus get soar muscles and bones from the rain and walking...I would say reason he came to earth to show us we can also follow in His Footsteps..

I pray you have been asking God to renew your Spirit and change you into the lets pray for others...lets pray for our partners...we must accept what our partners are at this point but after spending time in Prayer with God , you will see a difference in your while your changing and becoming peaceful, calm, patient, forgiveing can also pray these upon your partner..

Dear Lord I ask that you change my partner , he is so critical (ex) and I just cant seemed to please him...change his heart Lord to be kind and conciderate and to edify me and others in his life...I ask that you give him your gift of salvation and start working on his heart to become a stronger more peaceful person...
I rebuke (out loud)..crankiness, judgemental attitude, anger, unforgiveness etc..I ask that you replace this with your peace, love, forgiveness, calmness, happiness, healing and Your wisdom and knowledge...
In Jesus name I pray ...

Of course at this point your partner should have seen the change in you from the old person you used to be to the Person who is now Renewing their Mind in Christ..
When you change ..everyone around you will change...just keep asking the Lord in prayer to renew your thoughts and flow His light of His Word in Your Heart...
Dont stop working on yourself and if others are not noticing that is ok ...for down the road if you dont give up...all your changes will change them ..first of all by your love, you wisdom and may think right now nothing is changing but believe me the Holy Spirit around you is pulling others into the Light of God by just being around you..

Edify your partner...he/she ...start seeing the wonderful attributes in them that were there when you first started..tell him he is a good husband (wife) tell him he is a wonderful friend..tell him he is a loyal, trusting partner...tell him that you love him everyday...make time to be with him...this may be difficult but even if you are watching a movie together you are together...always make the choice to build him/her up and never tire of doing this ...and I guarantee you will see a difference..everyone of us has so many beautiful and wonderful things about them..but it seems the bad outweights the good...keep the word of God in your heart...when you lack in faith for example ...find the scriptures regarding faith..if you are sick and need healing find the scripture...

Always ask God for healing in your life..this can be for all whom you love...ask for healing of relationships, sickness, affliction, pain..these prayers will be answered..but God cannot heal us unless we use Faith with Action..Prayer...
As you pray you are replacing the worry etc..with problems..ask God to provide for what you neen..this prayer stops worry and replaces it with becoming closer to God ..dont fret dont worry, dont be anxious...pray each time these enter your heart for the opposite of what you feel..all negative things are the opposite of God , hate, peace , confusion, forgiveness, unforgiveness...
You have the Power in Your Spirit, Soul, Body and Mind to change all things..

Think on these things...

I pray you will continue to Pray especially for Your Partner which in turn will turn your home into a loving peaceful sanctuary where love and peace rule.....
I am always available to answer any questions you may have in the comment page or privately ...feel free to contact me...

I Ask God to continue to Pour Out His Heavenly Blessings Upon Your Life...

Praise Jesus , He is the Way, the Light , the Truth...
In Jesus Love Your Sister in Christ Betty Jean...

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