Tuesday, April 14, 2009

We Need Faith and Action

Hello everyone God bless you...

We have learned a lot and this is where we put our faith into action..
We know we have the ability to create..so lets do it ..lets make our marriage strong..I pray for my children to thrive and be happy covered in Gods Love..I ask You to send down Your Blessings Upon our Lives..use Your Imagination and Imagine a Strong Loving Marriage and it will happen...Awesome God We Serve...

I ask for all things Lord..(Christ is Our Example, Like Him)..make me Love, Peace, Healed, Wise, Knowledgeable..I will wear Your Glory in Honour...

When we become an emotion as we learned like anger it is our Duty as Children of God to get these things from our Lives..rebuke and prayer is how this is done ...the first time you start getting anger , stop and say God help me..and He does , then you can Walk Away and resume things later...anger is poison to your body..headaches, backaches, pain , pain...thankyou Lord for the Faith...and please give me the wisdom and knowledge in love to change the problem that is making me angry...In Jesus name I pray...

One by one we take these things out of our lives..and people will notice the difference, they wont ask you what changed you but they want to know ..so you just continue to work on yourselves and tell them it is God for we all be persecuted for His Sake..you dont need to explain yourself to anyone...your personal business is your own...we learn the Laws of God and this one Law of Equality..we set boundaries in our lives with family friends ...yes sometimes it may have to be done in Faith but God will provide...telling the truth hurts others sometimes and when we tell the Truth in Love , we pray to the Lord to help the other person give them wisdom and knowledge to understand.this is all we can do ..but our lives should not be in kayos because we have not set boundaries...amen and amen...

When you start seeing or have seen things happen in God it is quite Amazing..how He works...promises are real..heaven exists..wow a journey onward..it like actually praying yourself happy lol lol....for a rush of Faith ...check out Creation..how it all works , google earth is a great spot and national geo..when you start seeing the Gods Laws of Nature...nothing is so Awesome..seasons, animals, insects,universe..
Everything our Bodies need to grow in is right in Creation..sun to warm and heal us with vitamin c etc..air to clean our lungs, the trees make our air ..it is Awesome ...I love Creation....We Are Justified By Faith...We Create...Awesome God We Serve..We Create the Glory of God Upon Our Lives...wonderful living word....

Praise Jesus , He is the Light (glory), the Truth...the Way..
In Jesus Love Your Sister in Christ Betty Jean...

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