Friday, July 31, 2009


Hello Everyone..God Bless You...

Lets do a review, we have learned to physically use the Bible, we have learned to Plead the Blood of Jesus, we have learned Prayer, Love, Wisdom, we walk daily with Christ Jesus Our Brother, who Leads the Way..did You give all Your Burdens to the you call upon Him in Faith, growing takes change and the Renewing of the Mind, I would say daily, even if its a small change..I will be Patient today..I will Edify My Husband, I will not Gossip unless its Gods way (your loving , peaceful, wise & knowledgeable)..

It is by Faith that we live, God give us the security of His Wisdom & Knowledge to Love Us Protect Us Heal Us...

It is not an easy walk to Follow Christ to the Cross, it takes discipline, it takes endurance, strength, courage, faith, love , sufferings, trials ..these are the things we wear upon Our Holy Spirit (Gods Glory) that give us what we need to continue Our Walk..God Offers All Things..the more you grow in God the more is Revealed..Awesome God We Praise..

It is one of Gods Gifts that we Seek & Search Him Out..I enjoy every minute of it , Gods Word is Awesome...I always ask for Wisdom & Knowledge from God before I do anything in the Word..He will give it to You..amen and amen..

Are you looking up the Scriptures I recommended , the ones I leave Blank the ones I refer to in my Postings..I Pray You are for this is where the Searching Begins, when You use the Scripture? Gods Wonderful Blessing On Your Walk....

Are You Using and Seeing the Scripture Revealed to it Helping You, is it Leading You to make right Choices, Decisions, Gives Prespective , Are You at Peace, Is Your Life Around You Healing, Is God talking to You in different ways, is Your Personality Changing becoming One With Christ, is You language different , are You Calling Upon God For All Things, is God answering Prayer , do You let Him Carry Your Burdens...

These are all questions you must answer for Yourself..making You an Individual,
You are alone in This Quest when it comes to the Heavenly Realm..God is the only one who Knows Both Worlds and again Faith, Faith, Faith Call Upon God , He will give You Faith..see what He does, has done and will do in Your Life..Awesome God we Serve...

Once We Have the Faith In God ...He Brings all other things in Our Lives Into Order..He is the Master Creator , He is Creator of All things and All Things Are Ordered ..Think On These Things..Get Out in Nature , there is Healing There, spend as Much Time as You can with Creation..spend Quiet time with Our Father, Christ Jesus, Holy Spirit, and seek all of these things..Awesome God we Worship....

We must also (very important) Set boundries as God has with Creation..we must not spread ourselves to thin and miss out what is right in front of us..sit down take a good look at Your Life, if there is Bad it has to go..replaced with Gods Love...I try to be the best I can be, when I miss the mark, I ask God to get me back on mark and move on..I make mistakes, I get frustrated, I have doubt, I have pain, I have all the things we all do..and Yet I Keep Changing, My Life Much Easier, Loving Peaceful, Secure ..but I am also proof it can be changed..but only One Way...

"First Find the Master Creator....."

Praise Jesus , He is the Truth, the Way, the Light
In Jesus Love Your Sister in Christ ..Betty Jean...

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