Thursday, July 9, 2009

Resignation of Mans Self...#1

Hello Everyone God Bless You...

We have learned so much in the last few months but learning it and putting into practise are two very different thing we did learn was Each day we have to Work to Conform ourselves to the Characteristic's of Christ Jesus, We Must Remember He also Walk this Earth with its trials, tribulation's, suffering and constant changes to the lives we live..I do pray that these teachings have brought You Closer to God, I can teach for twenty years but if we do not have Faith & Trust in the Lord of the Universe all the teachings in the world will not help us

...I would love to hear from anyone who has been changed by following my Guidance , I have an email in Profile it would indeed give me encouragement..I do know that God is working around me at all times and is preparing others for the Word..This I do have Faith and Trust In...

I have been going through a time in the desert myself and let me tell you the Walk has not been an easy one..if anything could go wrong it did and will, this is why it is so important to stay in the Word..and continue to change the reactions we have in our lives towards others and how they confer with us , it is totally up to us on how we react to others, that can make a difference in our lives...

Maybe times the Holy Spirit brought to Mind the Word I needed to hear from God, sometimes it would build me up , give me strength, give me courage , give me Love and Peace..others times it would tell me , just one day at a time Betty Jean..I know the walk is hard, but we cannot give up ..for we have so much to look forward to in God...

Son Forsake Thyself and Thou Shall Find Me, stand without choice and without all manner of self, and Thou shall win Ever...for the more You Resign Yourself, the More Grace You will be will come, I am an example of that , even in my times in the dessert..when Your Spirit gets Heavy, Pray, ask Your Trusting friends to pray for , this makes a world of difference..

Praise Jesus Christ, He is the Light, the Way, the Truth.
In Jesus Love Your Determine Sister in Christ...Betty Jean...

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