Monday, January 4, 2010

Spiritual Helpers Are They Real...

Hello  Everyone God Bless You...

Over the past 10 years or so I have done so much research..and it has brought me a lot closer to God, but I often run into Experiences of people who say they have had contact with Spiritual Beings from a Realm we travel too after we experience so called death here.. before I found Salvation and the way to know God I always believed in a world after this one..a world where we can continue the Love of God and use the Experiences of this Life to help we can use God and His Salvation to show others the Love of an Eternal God , A Divine God, A Supreme God, A Creator God, A Universal God..

Most of the Religions of the World also Believe in another Place, Realm, Sphere..there are so many different discriptions..Nirvana, Heaven, Spheres, Realms and other Worlds..only cover a few that I have come across in my research..people who believe in these worlds can be called Prophets or Mediums or they can be just Preachers , Pastors , Bishops and just ordinary people who say they believe or have some experience of communication from another Realm..

Most of the world tries to discredit those who believe in a New Birth after death and Life beyond this Earth World..this world we live on can also be know as a Sphere..many reputations of Great and Excellent Teaches have been ruin because they chose to come forward and talk about these experiences..I have on many occasions told you I speak with God , I also have taught and the bible also concurs that Angels do exist and that all through history , they have Delivered Messages, Healed and of course the Angels Escorted Jesus from this World into the Next.  I do not believe that Angels have large wings like paintings and pictures portray, I believe they are more like us then we would like to admit..Angels with large wings, how large would those wings have to be to support the rest of our bodies, would we have to have extra spines or bones to keep these wings in place, it just all seems to me to be so awkward. (comprehending of this earth world)(gravity)  With all that is out there in the Universe why is it not possible to travel as light energy travels..this I believe is really possible, we have only discovered a small piece of  the way things work in the universe..we can look back to the beginning of the universe..Awesome God We Serve..

I believe it would be much better for Us  to believe in Another Step in the Experience of God , after Our  Body dies and is given back to the dust of the ground, that I , Our Soul , which carries, all Our  Experiences, Memories and all the details of Our Life, into another Realm/World where this Soul will continue to Grow and Learn as more of Gods Love and Experiences are Open to Us do We not  have Eternal Life, I do not want to think that after all I have been through in this world, that at the end of my days, I am buried in the ground , overtaken by darkness of nothing..the Loving God I know would not do that..I am pretty sure of that sleep , well I am not quite a believer in that although the bible does mention we will sleep, but if that is true, where did Moses and Elijah come from when they visited with Christ Jesus before the Resurrection .

I Believe the Sleep referred to is when we pass from this world into the next we may sleep depending on the type of death we have experienced, as an example if we have had a long illness, it may take more sleep to build the strength necessary to Resurrect into our Spirit Bodies..of course Always Sleeping and Awaking into the Arms of Gods Loving Experienced Spirit Beings who are there to answer and supply us with what we require depending on the circumstances..

Do We Believe in Eternal Life , if this is given to us through Gods Love then what are We to spend Eternity doing? I believe using the Experiences of this Life to further our Love & Wisdom of God to teach, guide and  further others. There are millions of people in this world who do not even believe in as You can see it is not and will not ever be easy to tell others of the Love of God , not in this world or in the ones to come...

What harm is there in believing in Other Worlds or Other Realms, I believe the course of understanding God and Eternal Life leads in this direction..for me I do Believe God has more in store for me then , dust to dust , ashes to ashes..

Why do the churches teach and believe in Eternal Life, yet we are not to explore this Eternal Life in Believing in more then this world, this told to us is the devil in disguise or demons in our lives leading us in the wrong direction..Hum Bug I Say lol lol...but it is up to each of us on Our Spiritual Journey to Always Seek Out and Search Out God in all We Do, God Gives Us the Freedom to Find  Him...My next posting will be for you to decide: What Do You Believe...?

Praise Jesus , He is the Way, the Truth, the Light..
In Jesus Love Your Sister In Christ Betty Jean..

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