Friday, June 11, 2010

Gods Great Love...

Hello Everyone..God Bless You...

It still amazes me how God works...His Mercy is Great...what is Gods is knowing that our sins are learned by life example of Gods Mercy is our Addiction to things of this world..If We are true..we learned and try each day to keep these sins under control..but God knows how hard it is and gives us mercy and grace ..ya know your not supposed to smoke but smokes show up in weird ways...suprises..why do people smoke ....Gods Mercy is Great...He Loves Us Dearly..He Calls Us His Beloved....Praise the Lord...

Lets Honestly try each day to get our sin under swear, drink to much , quit, you have addictions..then work on them..Lets Honor Our Almighty giving it our best shot...

It makes a person wonder why We are so Important to Our Heavenly Father...Praise the Lord..

Praise Jesus, He is the Way, the Light, the Truth.
In Jesus Love Your Sister In Christ Betty Jean..

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