Thursday, June 3, 2010

Gods Soul/Our Soul...

Hello Everyone God Bless You...

Gods Kingdom is Founded On Love , Proclaimed In Mercy and Established by Unselfish Service...

The Soul is Self-Reflective, Truth Discerning and Spirit-Perceiving, the Part of Mankind which Elevates the Human Being Above the Level of the animal world.  Self-Consciousness is , in and of itself not the Soul.  Moral Self-Consciousness is True Human Self-Realization and Constitutes the Foundation of the Human-Soul and the Soul is that which Represents the Survival  Value of Human Experience.  Moral Choice and Spiritual Attainment, the Ability to Know God and the Urge to be Like Him are the Characteristics of the Soul.

Human  Life Continues-Survives because it has a Universal Function, the Task of Finding God.  Prayer is the Great Unifier of the Inspirations and Faith Urges of a Soul trying to Identify Itself with the Spirit Ideals of the Indwelling Spirit.  There are only two groups of mortals in Gods Eyes, those who Know God and those who don't. 

If we Know God, Our Real Business on Earth is so to Live as to Permit the Father to Reveal Himself in Our Lives, and Thus Will All God-Seeking Persons See the Father in Us and Ask for Our Help in Finding Out more About God who in this manner Finds Expression in Our Lives.

Jesus Taught, My Fathers Kingdom Concerns not things visible and material.  For where ever the Spirit of God Teaches and Leads the Soul of Man, there , in Reality is the Kingdom of Heaven and the Kingdom of God is Righteousness, Peace, and Joy in the Holy Spirit...

Praise Jesus, He is the Way, the Light, the Truth..
In Jesus Love Your Sister In Christ Betty Jean..


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