Thursday, January 24, 2013

Gods Wisdom Corner... 

 Hello Everyone God bless You...

  "My children, this is the beginning of a fresh era of work, as I told you before. This day, outside in the conditions which are your own at present, there was beauty, there was the promise of Spring - new life, new hopes, inspiration in the sunshine itself. Take this as a sign for the future and as a promise for the days to come.

"Oh, be not disconcerted by seeming failure, either of the physical or the spiritual which you call your own. Take the brightness as a promise to you from God; and though perhaps dark days may come, yet remember today - the sunshine and the blue of the sky; remember that God has promised you your spirit's desire, and if you only seek to hold close to Him, your spirit's desire will be found to be your heart's desire as well...

"I speak to you, and I speak to the instrument I use, because much hangs in the balance, much lies in front. Oh, shrink not from the responsibility but take that which represents perhaps a burden, and lo, you shall find it a gift. The past is past; the sorrows which have provided the necessary preparation for this work, these may have been manifold, yet the end justifies the means.

"And today, in perfect harmony together - I say for all to hear - we start with renewed faith and trust in God, on a wider branch of this great work, which means the drawing in of others, the helping of the sorrowful and explaining to those who do not understand.

"Yet, remember this: That we work from the inside out and not from the outside in. That which you name the publicity which is of the world, it is not for us. Guard the work. Guard the Truth - for I say, in the Name of the Holy Master, that in front lies a work beyond your comprehension now. It shall spread and spread, and many from all parts of the world shall respond, love to Love, and take up their cross with a lighter heart

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