Friday, March 1, 2013

Gods Wisdom Corner...

Hello Everyone God Bless You...

It is only those who have been  Through the Adverse Experience of Physical Life, who knows the Meaning of Pain , who can Enter Into Conditions of those who seem as earthly failures , who have Gained an Experience by going through the Suffering Entailed who can be Chosen to Teach Other To Lead Out of darkness into the Light that Never Fades..Praise the Lord God ..amen..

You are a Ruler of a Wonderful Kingdom , the Kingdom of the Holy Spirit your own world which you have full jurisdiction .  There are influences from others that fall upon the sensitive conditions provided by the Holy Spirit , but You are the Masters , or You Should Be, and it Depends upon you Individuality whether that Influence is Allowed to be Dispatched or Absorbed.  

You are tested every day , you are treated by the thoughts thrown off by the leaders of science, of art and music and you are tested by your friends , many are afraid to offend others, but did not realize that in their weakness they are Offending Against the Divine Within, against the Spark of Life that Must Live For Ever More...

Jesus is the Way, the Life, the Light.
In Jesus Love Your Sister Betty Jean..


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