Tuesday, May 14, 2013


Hello Everyone God Bless You..

Personal Message ..

In as much as Ye do Unto These Ye do it Unto Me...In Every Creature Entrusted To Your Care Behold Me, The Work Will Be Easy Hope and Work....Amen..

Come Unto Me, Weary One and Stricken with Despair  and I Will Comfort You and Give You Work to do For Me , Now Go In Peace...

We show You Things , You Must Write Them Down , thus what Thou Seest Write In A Book and Send it Forth to be Dealt with by Men, Each According to the His Own Capacity and Each as His Faculties are Quickened to the Perception of Spiritual Things .  Let that Suffice then--come with Us and We Will Tell You What We Are Able...Praise the Lord He Minds of Me and Talks To Me..Amen...

And so do Be Content, For We Are So and Will Continue to Use You, So We Continue in Quietness Of Spirit and In Prayer To The Highest Through His Son, Whose Ministers We Are--And In Whose Name We Come...

Praise Jesus, He is the Life , the Light , The Way...
In Jesus Love Betty Jean..


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