Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Gods Wisdom Corner...

 Hello Everyone God Bless You...

The Plan of the Universe is Too Vast for Earthly Comprehension and Yet We Must Try To Grasp As Much As We Can...

From all Eternity God The Infinite Creative Force , Has Given Expression to Ideas and Clothed Them in Multitudinous Forms, each Carrying With In's  Itself the Seed of Immortality--which is the Spark of Divine Intelligence, each Individual is Capable of Growth or Development  which will eventually Bring Them to Perfection , it must Progress Through Many Stages Always Striving to Express More Clearly the Divine Idea , Until It is Freed from All Materialism and Becomes a Pure and Perfect Spirit, Reflecting to Its Full Capacity The Divine Creator and Living in Splendor and Majestic Harmony, Its Own Perfect Life In Full Consciousness Face To Face With God, Many Ages are Necessary to Reach This Perfection ....Amen..

Although Animted By The Same Spirit and Interval Parts or Emanations of the Divinity , No Two Individuals are Ever Alike --The Soul Animated by the Infinite Creative Life Of God --but the Expression which Bestows Our Individuality is Always Different--Each is Capable of Perfection which Eventually Comes and the Complete and Perfect Happiness This Brings,,

Praise Jesus , He is the Way, the Life, the Light
In Jesus Love Betty Jean...

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