Thursday, May 2, 2013

Gods Wisdom Corner...


And there was a voice from the firmament that was over their heads when they stood and let down their wings, and Above the Firmament that was over their heads was the likeness of a Throne , as the Appearance  of a Sapphire Stone and Upon the Likeness of the Throne was the likeness as the Appearance of Fire round about within it...Please Read Ezekiels Visits to the Spiritual World..Only God is Awesome enough to do this...Amen...


O Man Greatly Beloved , Fear Not : Peace Be Unto Thee, Be Strong, Yea , Be Strong , and when He Had Spoken Unto Me , I Was Strengthen and Said, Let My Lord Speak; for Thou Has Strengthen Me....

Jeremiah....1:10 ,14..

See I have this day set Thee Over the Nations and Over Kingdoms , to Root Out, and to Pull Down and to Destroy (evil)..and to Throw Down and To Build and To Plant.. 

The The Lord Said Unto Me...

When You have Learned these things as I have, the ancient documents , we live off of all Our Lives Is Real...Because it happened in Ancient times doesn't mean that was it ...its exists now as it did then, there is no time , no space, Jesus Communes With Each One of Us...the Scriptures are Very Rich , in Visits From Christ as I now teach is Faith that makes it Happen, Simple Faith ..For Your God Speaks To You...Searching for Really Spiritual Scriptures ..I found in Isaiah..Read with the Intention of Hearing Christ Say These Words to You...this is His Purpose...As Christ is Spiritual in the Scriptures so He Is Now...He is Beginning..He Is End...all of this Word Is A Personal Gift From God..The Bible is Spiritual ..see it no other way ...As Christ is So Are We...Praise the Lord God ..Amen..

Praise Jesus, He is the Way, the Light , the Life.
In Jesus Love Betty Jean...




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  2. Thank you Anonymous...Blessings , Blessings Upon Your Life, thank you for commenting on my blogs..I do like to see what my readers think....please comment anytime ..God Bless You..Amen..
